
As a child, I loved dancing. I remember choreographing full routines with my cousins and friends. I was ALWAYS putting on a performance, even if it were just for my imaginary friends 🤣 I also loved exploring outside. I would catch butterflies and keep them in the screened in gazebo for the afternoon, then set them free before the sun went down.

To nurture my inner spark this month, I'm going to dance again (in a proper dance class instead of just within my own four walls).

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YES YES YES!!!!!! 💃🔥 (me encouraging everyone within earshot to go dance)

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I've been thinking of you A LOT during this whole process 🥹❤️🔥💃

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Loved playing in the woods surrounding our house! While I don’t have the same sort of woods around me now, I can choose to get outside more - perhaps taking morning walks and letting my mind wander.

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Mmmm the morning walks sound lovely. I bet you can explore in other ways by rediscovering the city and how it has evolved over the years. Have you moved to the new place yet?

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We move back into the lovely house where we first stayed this Sunday - very much looking forward to it!

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Aug 2Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

I'd forgotten how many hours of my youth were spent in the woods around my house until reading this comment. There's a trailhead near my house that I drive by often and say "I should make time to go hike there" at least once a month. Thanks for helping me find my next challenge to accept, Dana.

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Sounds lovely, Ed. I always feel so much different (and better) after a walk in the woods - no matter what’s happening, it expands my perspective.

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Yay!! I love that the memories came back, Ed. Much of my youth was spent in the woods, too. It's a special place no matter where in the world. I'd be interested to hear how it goes if you make the time to hike.

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Aug 3Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

As a child, I loved creating art, sports and dancing. It makes sense once I realised my human design as a 5/1 Gen. I could get lost in these activities all day.

I remember wanting to be a chat show host 🤣 the thought of it escapes me now!

Today, I caught a glimpse of talking into a camera when I filmed my IG story while getting out of breath on my walk. I even started my own YouTube channel for my spiritual tools.

Perhaps, it wasn't about being the star of the show at all? Perhaps, I just craved to share with others?

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Omg I love this, Chi! I think you're onto something, especially thinking of your 5/1 in human design. You're here to share what you learn with others.

I'm also a 5/1 (but MG)!!! How wild. 🤣😍 I'm with you in this ❤️

I'm excited for you to dive into these new expressions of creativity through YouTube and IG!!!

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I'm so glad you're putting yourself out there to try things that might feel a bit scary as an adult.

I'm 31 and in a place where I feel (well not ready per se but ready to push through the fear) and try new hobbies, also ones I enjoyed when I was a kid, these scare me more. Or some do.

Like dancing, I done ballet at a very young age but stopped about 7 or 8 I think. I done tap too, a bit of disco freestyle, hip hop and cheerleading (at that time in UK it was nothing like American cheer, with tricks etc). Now I'm scared to be bad at it but this inspires me.

I hope you have so much fun at the class!!

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I just re-read your comment and realised you said you ARE ready to push through the fear 🔥 I totally read that wrong the first time 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Aug 2·edited Aug 3Author

Thank you, Hannah!

I will say, it takes courage to say you're not ready. I'm proud of you for listening to your heart and honouring yourself in that way. Are there any current hobbies you enjoy, rather than starting something new?

You've definitely got more experience with dance than I do! Which was your favourite style?? I'm so curious.

There is also something to be said about feeling scared to be bad at it—I feel this, too. It can be hard to push through the critic 🫶

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Kaitlyn!!!! We are operating on the same wavelength. I just tried my first contemp class on Weds. Not my thing (I’ve always loved watching it though), I hope it’s yours!!! Trying something new made me so grateful for the creative practices in my life that already come easily to me. Sometimes we need to try something new to build a deeper appreciation for what we already have 🥹💃🧚‍♀️ I love this challenge!!!

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I love that you at least tried, Gwen!!! You're so right in saying that trying new things can build that deeper appreciation for what we have. You're ahead of the challenge!! Is there anything else on your creativity radar to try this month?

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When I was a kid, I liked to do introverted activities like reading books and coloring. Yesterday, I had a relaxing afternoon coloring leaves and butterflies in an adult coloring book. I'm not sure if that will count for this Leo challenge! But it works for me.

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This totally counts, Sandra!! It sounds like you're right on track. 😍❤️

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Aug 17Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

I started this year going back to coloring. Thank you for reminding me to come back to this. It totally counts!

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Awesome! Glad you found coloring, Brandy.

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As a kid my memories are of tree climbing and building forts. I think it was something about creating spaces to retreat and recharge, though I certainly wouldn’t have articulated it like that when I was young.

The last time I properly climbed a tree was in Scotland, this January, on the cusp of 50, and there was a great Banyan tree in Vanuatu last summer that I spent some time playing in.

This month I could commit to climb at least one tree a week, choosing to do so next time I think ‘“that’d be a fun tree to climb.”

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This lit me up, Benjamin! I love the image of you climbing trees. I'd love to hear how it goes for you as you lean into play and climbing trees again!

Also, the realization of why you climbed trees and built forts as a child is amazing. We're so intuitive as kids, and it sounds like you knew exactly what you needed! Now we get to consciously create time to do similar things, or find new ways to create the same feelings.

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Yesterday I found a good one, and climbed an old familiar one again.

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YAY!! This brings me so much joy to read, Benjamin! Thank you for reporting back. How did it go??

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The old familiar climb was to take down a zip line which signifies the acknowledgment of the end of a season. The other climb was just for the fun of it, which was sadly short lived.

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I'm glad you got to experience some fun with the new climb, even if short lived. I'm intrigued to hear more about the zip line—is this something you do for work?

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The zip line, was something I set up for my kids quite a few years ago, but it turned out to be a little bit more precarious than I had anticipated. It sat unused for quite a few years and yesterday I decided to admit that it would not result in the fun I had envisioned.

Funnily enough, my kids then took the rope and set up a mini zip line in our backyard, which is much safer, as their feet almost touch the ground, and had a lot of fun, just playing on it, even though, in my mind, it was pretty paltry.

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I love this, Benjamin!! So funny that once you did, your kids took matters into their own hands and made it into a fresh opportunity for fun 😍

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Aug 2Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

Loved this read! My fave things to do as a kid was draw and imagine up stories, so this month I'll lean into doodling :)

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I love this, Krissy!! Yay for doodles!

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This was such a wonderful read ✨ I've loved to dance for as long as I can remember, but when I went to ballet classes, I couldn't find the motivation to stick with it. 😅 There are still some days where I wonder what path I've walked if I had chosen to stick with it and I might go to a class for real in the near future, but for now I'm happy with dancing in my own apartment. 💃🩰

As a child, I always dreamt of going traveling and seeing the world. I didn't do this for a long time for several reasons and when I began to travel more, I could collect pieces of myself I never even realized I carried within. I did have to slow down with travelling due to my burnout and having to keep an eye on my budget, but! To nurture my inner spark for this month (I'm a Leo Rising too!), I will go on tiny adventures, even if it's just in my home town. ✨

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Thank you, TJ! Yay to the joy of dance 🩰 sometimes it's not the right time, or maybe the apartment is all you need. I'll be dancing with you in spirit wherever you choose to dance! 🤭💃

The way you speak about collecting pieces of yourself through travel really hit me. I feel this too. I bet it is so nourishing for your Leo rising to find new pieces of yourself along the way. Beautiful idea of tiny adventures around your home town! I love your perspective 😍 I'd also be curious to hear about your adventures and what you find! You may even find pieces of yourself closer to home ❤️❤️❤️

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Do it!!! I teach dance to adults and kids and when ever I do am adult class I always say "don't worry about whetr you stand everyone will be in the front" I had a pretty wild child hood there isn't anything I didn't try. I even did rock climbing and I am terrified of heights. My parents believed in try everything once. I'm 32 and since ive turned 30 I've been discovering what I loved as a kid. I don't love rock climbing. But I love hiking and I go out at least 2 times a week and hike.

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"everyone will be in the front," hehe I love this! It's like we're all in this together ❤️ thank you!!

I love that your parents encouraged you to try new things! Way to go for doing things even through the fear. I haven't tried rock climbing, but I've gone the opposite way and abseiled! That was a thrill 😍

It makes my heart sing that now in your 30s your returning to the things you enjoyed as a kid. I find this happens often after the Saturn return! It's almost like we go around the wheel and end up realising the things we did as a kid is where the keys are hidden.

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ive heard that your 30s is just returning to the things you loved as a child. i really hope you enjoy your dance classes xox

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Aug 2Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

Oh, I love this thought! I always think back to what little me would love to be doing, and that's probably singing and dancing and making silly little dance routines up!

I think deep down it's always about creating, bringing joy, slowing down, and seeing the beauty and joy in everything.

So I think I want to see the childlike joy in everything again <3

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I absolutely love this, Bea! Finding joy in all moments. That sounds like a beautiful practice ❤️ I'm glad I wasn't alone in the singing and dancing 🤭💃

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Aug 17Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

I grew up swimming in ponds, lakes, rivers, the Pacific Ocean, public pools, or anything else I could splash, play and act like a a sea creature in. Our region of the world had one and a half seasons (at best), allowing ten months of the year to be swimmable.

Summer is also my absolute fav season; August was already here by the time I took my first swim of the sizzling season. I splashed, I played, I did handstands, I blew water through a foam tube, I tossed a beach ball, hung my legs up on the side of the pool as i laid up against the wall under water... all the things (& more) that I used to do when I was young... I have swam again since then too, because it awoke something in my soul that was very much needed. ♡

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I'm crying 😭 this brought me so much joy reading, Brandy. It was almost as if I were there with you through your words. I love everything about it. Thank you for sharing.

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Aug 17Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

I'm 48. 🙃

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Aug 4Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

This is a beautiful post 🫶🏻 Little me loved dancing in her room making up dance routines and singing in the mirror. I also loved creating worlds with imaginary friends 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I felt carefree and happy

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This made me smile! Thank you for sharing. ❤️❤️

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I love this conversation! I played in the woods all day as a kid. Now, I get a bit cranky if I don’t get my morning walk in nature.

My kid self wanted to swim, ride bikes, play in the woods, do all the sports, write and play with furry animals. She’s very happy with my current situation, and she looks forward to living somewhere with easier access to hiking.

And, I took contemporary dance in high school. I liked it so much more than ballet. I switched schools between freshman and sophomore years and contemporary dance was the only reason I considered staying at the first school.

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It sounds like your kid self is very well nurtured, knowing what I know about you, Kelsey! I wouldn't expect any less as the badass MG you are 😍😍😍 such an inspiration.

I didn't know you were a dancer too! And so seriously that you almost stayed at the first school. What was the deciding factor of switching?

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Ah, I wouldn’t call myself a dancer at all, just someone who danced. Honestly, dance was the only good thing about that school. Everything was better at the new school and I got to swim for my school, which was pretty cool. (My first school didn’t have a swim team)

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That sounds like a dancer to me! 😜💃 I'm glad to hear everything was better at the new school. Swimming is a nice trade off!

Our school didn't have any cool activities like that, I remember seeing American schools on tv and wondering if it was actually real 😅

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I wanted to be a ballerina too! Tutu and all! 😊🩰💖

I am looking forward to nurturing my inner spark this month by taking some time to paint!! 🎨

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Yay!! Ballerinas unite 🩰🤣 did you ever take lessons or try it out?

I'm excited for you to paint 🎨🖌️🥰 I'd love to hear how it goes!

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Yes, I took a few ballet and tap lessons when I was little. I loved the soft pink ballet slippers 💕

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it! 🎨

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Aug 2Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

1) write. Literally write. I’d wander around with notebooks and all these funnily named characters

I love that you’re going dancing!!! Have so much fun.

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Ohhh I love this, Kristen! Do you still write stories? I know you write your own story on Substack, but do you ever delve into fiction again, just for fun?

And thank you!! I'm excited and so nervous 😄

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