
What have you so bravely let go of in the past two weeks? Let me know below!

I'll go first.

This is scary to share because it has shifted the trajectory of my life more drastically than I could've imagined. My partner and I have gone our separate ways, which has me wondering where to go next. I don't imagine myself staying in Thailand much longer, but I'm not quite sure where this journey will take me. It's scary, but it's also empowering because the possibilities are endless.

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Oh Kaitlyn. My heart aches for you ❤️‍🩹 endings of any kind aren’t easy, especially when it’s so rooted to a time and place. I know your partner provided a sense of home and grounding for your time in Thailand. Wherever you go next, just know my heart is with you every step of the way ❤️‍🔥🐚💫🌷

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Oh my, Gwen! I'm replying after reading your most recent post ❤️❤️❤️ you've given me a sense of ease and excitement for what's next. Thank you love ❤️💃

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Apr 8Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Kaitlyn. It takes courage to show up to the world, peeling off layers and layers that are no longer yours, and leaping into the unknown - naked and whole. Thinking of you as you navigate this new chapter. 🤎🤎 This eclipse season is challenging me to re-consider my beliefs and values around my identity, career and also relationships (with myself and others), which align perfectly with my Libra Rising, Aries Moon, Capricorn Venus, and Cancer MC 🥴 Thank you so much for the two reflective questions which have calmed my nerves down about the unknown in the next six months. Much love and gratitude 💞

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Yesss, you have lots of cardinal points getting hit 🤪 I hope you're moving through the re-considerations with as much ease as possible. Thinking of you as you get ready for your travels as well! I'm so glad to hear those two reflective questions were helpful—they were added last, but they felt really important. I appreciate your kind comment and willingness to share, Bonnie. And I love what you said, "naked and whole." That's just it, isn't it?! So much love to you!

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