
I'd love to hear your answers in the comments! ✨

- Have you had an experience where letting people in transformed your healing?

- Are you truly opening your heart and initiation conversations that lead to connection?

- Is there a conversation you need to have in order to feel more complete?

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I can't wait to read what you're writing, Bonnie! And you're right, what a lie!!! Thank you for reading and sharing your heart, too.

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Jun 3Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

The way you must have felt reconnecting with your Dad and Brother!! What a powerful experience, thank you for sharing your light (and your dark) through the podcast!

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Thank you, Kristen! It was an interesting turn of events. You just never know who you'll touch with your words!

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I feel like we’re living parallel lives! (Which makes sense coz — Cancer rising!) I just had an experience recently with the Sag Full Moon of letting my mother’s love in. Oftentimes we can be so stuck in the narrative that we’re alone that we don’t realize we’ve grown past that and it isn’t true anymore 🥹🥹✨ reading your experience reminds me to double down on love: to be open, and vulnerable, and honest, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard. Love you!

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OMG yes!! I read that piece you wrote and definitely felt the parallel lives vibe! So many beautiful opportunities to change the trajectory of the story. I'm proud of you for opening up and letting her love in! I like what you said, "especially when it's hard." That part is so important, it seems. Love YOU!!!

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Jun 3Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

I’m so moved hearing the responses you’ve got. How it’s made those in your life lean in, lean toward. I’ve saved the episode to listen to on my walks this week. I really believe the more we do this kind of open hearted sharing, the more we all feel seen. 🖤🖤

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Thank you, Kaitlyn. I love the way you described them leaning in toward, it warms my heart to visualise it—especially with them being physically far from me. I hope you enjoy the episode on your walks! 🚶‍♀️🫶 Here's to sharing open-heartedly!

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Jun 3Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

Oh, my goodness, Kaitlyn - the synchronicity - I am pondering and writing something similar this week 😮 The society glorifies hyper-independence and equates it to strength and power. What a lie! Such belief robs us of our power as individuals and a collective. It's good to see so many of us are waking up and reclaiming our power through authentic connections. Thank you so much for continuing to show up and open up about your "dark parts" as that's where the light gets in 🌠🤎

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'I didn’t ask for help, so how could I expect to receive it?'

I can relate a bit to your experience, Kaitlyn. On the surface, we may seem fine 'enough' to others, even those who live with us. No one ever really knows what's actually going on inside of us until we reveal such things to them.

Though at the same time, it's incredibly hard to ask for help and takes a lot of courage and willpower to do so. But it's the right way forward.

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It's so true, Raveen. It takes a lot of courage to expose ourselves in that way.

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Yes….i absolutely relate!! Disappearing in my own shell & running far, far away, to different continents divided by big oceans, has been my coping strategy my whole life. Asking for help??? Honestly…I’m still struggling with that one! Letting others in?? Well. Getting better 😄

Honesty and vulnerability on the page (or Substack 😛) feels much easier…

Thank you for sharing your story & inviting us to open up to our own inward questions ✨💜✨

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Thank you, Brighde! It's a journey, isn't it? I can relate for sure. I appreciate you being here! ☺️🙏

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I’ll be back for more!! ✨🥰✨

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Katlyn, A powerful piece! I'm impressed by how you have taken responsibility for not being as open as you thought you were and not reaching out. Thanks for these thought-provoking questions. I value authenticity, but I know I stay in the superficial with some individuals.

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Thank you, Sandra! I share similar values. I think it's sometimes necessary to stay in the superficial with some people when we get to know their (and our) limits. I appreciate you sharing this here!

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I relate a lot to this Kaitlyn and I feel I have had to go through a lot of trauma alone - as its been hard for people around me to understand/relate/support.

I have a better rlship with family member since processing much of the trauma- but I didn’t find that came from opening up to them.

It came more from recognising the limits of what they could offer and allowing that in. That meant still healing a lot alone but that I could have community and be more authentically me.

I have been feeling a bit isolated and without cmty for the past week and was inspired to reach out to friends. So I guess chatty gemini is in action!

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Thank you for sharing, Catriona. It's tough to have to go through those experiences alone—my heart goes out to you. Reflecting back, I think what you said about it being hard for people around you to understand, relate, and support is so important to recognise. It was similar for me too, where in the moments these things were happening they may not have been able to support, but now that some time has passed I can open up the doors a little bit and allow what comes.

It's also really important to protect ourselves in those times too, because sometimes letting people in who can't hold space can do more harm than good. Cutting people out was also a big part of the process and it feels as though I've made room for more connections who can meet me where I am—all of me.

I love that you're reaching out and connecting with friends after feeling isolated!! Proud of you for taking that step!!

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