May 25Liked by Kaitlyn Ramsay

Congratulations on your first podcast, Kaitlyn! WOW! It's not easy to share what you shared. It would have taken tremendous strength and courage (plus a giant leap of faith) to show up in your true, beautiful and vulnerable self in full view in public! I have so much love and admiration for you!! It's an honour to be at the receiving end of your story. I look forward to listening to future episodes and learning more about astrology from you! 🖤

You've also gotten me curious to look at my astrocartography map - and there are some interesting energies showing up 😮😇

- Moon node/MC line, Mars/MC line and Neptune/AC line close to Brisbane

- Moon/DC line through Bhutan, and also Venus/IC line nearby (!!)

- Chiron/DC line near Osaka (which I hope to do a meditation retreat at Mount Koya one day)

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Thank you so much, Bonnie!! I appreciate you taking the time to listen. I really appreciate your support and kind words. It was most definitely a GIANT leap of faith, but it has opened up deeper connection in my world. I'm happy to have you following along the journey!

I love that you looked up your astrocartography!! I wonder if you can see those planetary energies playing out in Brisbane and Bhutan! From what I read about your Bhutan experience, I can definitely see those Moon line healing experiences and the Venus energy!! It also sounds like Osaka would be a deeply healing experience with Chiron (through relationships).

The next episode coming will be all about my Neptune DC line! You may find some similarities with that Neptune energy! So curious to hear your thoughts once you listen.

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IT’S LIVEEEEEE 😍😍😍😍😍💫!!!

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