As I sit here, swaying in a hammock, in the cool breeze of the winter air in Northern Thailand, I feel the burning, bubbling rage of Mars in Scorpio in my chest.
The image that comes to mind is an underwater volcano, about to erupt in unforgiving fury.
The lava doesn’t care who it burns, but I (in my empathetic human form) do.
I pause, place a hand to my heart, and breathe—cooling the fire, allowing myself a moment to be with my feelings.
Rage. Anger. Frustration. Sadness. Unworthy. Useless. Naive.
Breathing deep into my belly, my lungs, my chest, my throat—expanding until I feel like I’m about to burst, on the exhale I let out a ferocious roar.
The sound of a lion escapes from my lips, as the tears I’ve been holding onto roll down my cheeks.
A smile creeps onto my tear drenched face—pain is pleasure, says Mars in Scorpio. Without pain there is no change. Without discomfort there is no growth.
Reminding me that I am in control of the line in which I call my boundaries.
I am in control of who I let walk on me.
I am in control of what I allow in my life.
I am in control of where my energy is placed.
And at this moment, my body begs me to listen to her.
To hear the once whisper that has now turned into a deafening scream.
Impossible to ignore the signs of dissatisfaction, Mars in Scorpio invites me into the depths of a new decision—knowing that decisions are constantly being made—decisions to stay, decisions to go, decisions to stay and then go, decisions to go and come back.
The floodgates have opened, and I’m no longer able to hold back my pain. I will make a decision to remove my energy from where it’s no longer valued.
I hear you loud and clear.